Reconnect with yourself and define your personal wellbeing goals with our range of retreats and workshops.

Our special packages and workshops are based on the five pillars of vitality: DETOX, DESTRESS, RESTART, YOGA and MAN.OF.NATURE.

Reconnect with yourself and define your personal wellbeing goals with our range of retreats and workshops.

Our special packages and workshops are based on the five pillars of vitality: DETOX, DESTRESS, RESTART, YOGA and MAN.OF.NATURE.

Alfred Silbergasser
at DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal


As an experienced wilderness educator, Alfred Silbergasser sees it as his task to help people rediscover the beauty and meaning of nature. The main objective of wilderness education is to make nature accessible to people. This includes re-establishing a mindful attitude towards the natural world by making it more easily comprehensible, as well as fostering an understanding of the coherences within nature. This helps people to reconnect with nature. The path to this understanding leads along real-life paths: they who walk, understand.

Rediscover nature

Setting off on a hike with Alfred Silbergasser means studying and hearing stories about the natural environment, tracing animal tracks and learning to identify animal noises as well as plants and trees. Once we discover that the inconspicuous little weed growing on the grass verge is a highly effective medicinal herb, that the tree we usually pass by without a second thought has hundreds of years under its belt, and that the clouds in the sky allow us to draw conclusions about the weather, we realise how much we don’t know.


The five pillars – DETOX, DESTRESS, RESTART, YOGA and MAN.OF.NATURE – draw people closer to themselves and closer to nature.

The five pillars – DETOX, DESTRESS, RESTART, YOGA and MAN.OF.NATURE – draw people closer to themselves and closer to nature.

Back to nature
back to me

It is with this concept in mind that Alfred Silbergasser takes you into his home, into nature. He invites you to recharge in centuries-old spiritual power spots, helps you destress through nature meditation, guides you on herb walks and tells tales of nature. Alfred Silbergasser invites you on a journey to discover your innermost being.

Locating spiritual power spots
This workshop lays the foundation for introducing the concept of spiritual power spots.

There are external and internal places of spiritual power. Both are equally accessible, when you know how. Under the expert guidance of Alfred Silbergasser, you will learn how to locate, recognise and utilise them. By the end of the workshop you will experience and sense your own areas of transcendent power. Places are limited.

  • Day 1: 7pm – 9pm
  • Day 2: 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 6pm
  • Price per person: € 99,- or hotel package

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • Spiritual hiking
    Alfred Silbergasser takes you on a hike to spiritual power spots and on a journey within yourself.

    This full-day hike leads to one of the Gastein Valley’s most historic sites: the old pass road, nicknamed the Three Pilgrims by locals owing to the legends and tales associated with it and the energy fields that can be experienced there.

    Immerse yourself in a world steeped in nature and magic. Then enjoy refreshments nearby on the Kögerlalm.

  • Includes transfer by hotel bus.
  • Route: Hotel – Unterberg (Dorfgastein) – Hotel
  • Duration: approx. 8 hours

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • Shamanic meditation – individual and group meditation
    The guided meditation session begins with the burning of cleansing incense, followed by meditation featuring a shamanic drum and rainmaker.

    You can choose from the following themes:

  • Inner power spot – locate your inner spiritual power and experience harmony, peace and tranquillity. This theme is well suited to anyone who needs to destress.
  • Power animal – from a shamanic perspective, everyone has a power animal (for example an eagle, a stag, a bear...). Knowing your power animal encourages development and gives power, strength, courage, confidence and much more.
  • Inner female – everyone has both a feminine and a masculine side, and they often need to be brought into harmony. This meditation session establishes contact with the inner female, touching on the feminine attributes (intuition, devotion, empathy, love etc).
  • Inner male – everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side, and they often need to be brought into harmony. This meditation session addresses the masculine side which contains attributes such as strength, determination, a thirst for adventure etc.

    Duration: approx. 1 hour per meditation and theme

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • Chakra hike
    ... to the Gastein Valley’s energy centres.

    This excursion takes participants to various lithopuncture sites in the Gastein Valley where stone pillars have been positioned in specific energy centres by a German geomancer.

    Lithopuncture has a similar effect to acupuncture needles on the human body, but here the stones are placed on the acupuncture points of the Gastein Valley’s landscape.

    You can practise specific exercises or meditations to help you experience the particular features of these spiritual power spots.

  • Includes transfer by hotel bus.
  • Time: 9.30am – 12pm & 1.30pm – 5pm
  • Route: Hotel – Klammstein – Sportgastein – hotel
  • Price per person excl. toll (Gasteiner Alpenstraße): €5

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • ALPEN.KRAFT herb foray
    ... and herb workshop

    An expert guide takes you to on a foray for local herbs which you then turn into herbal oils and personal care products. The hands-on workshop teaches you about the production of herbal medicines, oils and creams for personal use.

  • Includes transfer by hotel bus.
  • Material costs per person: approx. € 10,-
  • Duration: 7 hours (9am – 12pm & 1.30pm – 5.30pm)
  • Participants: max. 12

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • Wilderness/survival education
    It is through outdoor experiences and play that we learn to respect and live peacefully with nature.

  • Focus on the senses and intuition
  • Conscious perception of our surroundings
  • Building shelters in nature
  • Coyote teaching – the art of asking questions
  • And much more

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • Storytelling
    For thousands of years, the knowledge of indigenous people and our ancestors has been handed down through storytelling.

    Stories carry a special magic. They come alive in people’s hearts and minds. They stimulate the imagination as every listener perceives the narrative in their own individual way.

  • A-Z of nature stories
  • Legends from the region
  • Advent and Christmas stories

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
  • Nature meditation at the lithopuncture sites in the Gastein Valley
    Guided meditation sessions in the great outdoors can help you sense and utilise the positive energies from the Gastein Valley’s lithopuncture sites.

    Nature meditation harmonises body, mind and soul. The mystical Anna Chapel in Bad Hofgastein, a chapel with a very special appeal, is a popular pilgrimage site for many locals year-round.

    The aim of this guided nature meditation session is to absorb positive and beneficial energies. The spectacular views of the Hohe Tauern mountains and the Gastein Valley round off the exceptional meditation experience.

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.
    Spiritual hikes
    The Gastein Valley and its surrounding area are dotted with spiritual power spots and pagan sites that have been visited for centuries.

    SPIRITUAL HIKE with meditation in Dorfgastein: A spiritual hike through the forest to an unspoiled spring followed by guided meditation.

    SPIRITUAL HIKE to the legendary three pilgrims in Dorfgastein: lithopuncture site! A hike to the Drei-Wallerkapelle (Three Pilgrims Church) at 1,425m above sea level – one of the oldest pilgrimage sites in SalzburgerLand. Steeped in history and legend, Celts, Romans and Bavarians would have passed by this site at the entrance to the Gastein Valley.

    Please note that Alfred Silbergasser's programs are exclusively held in German.

    Live the story,
    that you want to tell!

    ALPEN.KRAFT hikes        

    A guided hike for small groups or individuals guided by Alfred Silbergasser. He encourages participants to experience nature actively and consciously.

    Nature teaches you who you are. It can release blockages and change patterns of behaviour, as well as foster clarity, confidence, self-respect and mindfulness.

    Your path to experiencing nature and the self

    Everyone is unique, with different potential and goals.

    This is why Alfred Silbergasser reacts to the needs, desires and capabilities of each individual. Individual and group experiences are arranged on an individual basis.

    Individual meditation

    An individual consultation establishes the participant’s particular situation or a theme which can then be addressed in the guided meditation.

    Shamanic meditation – individual and group meditation

    The guided meditation session begins with the burning of cleansing incense, followed by meditation featuring a shamanic drum and rainmaker.

    You can choose from the following themes: Inner power spot, power animal, inner female, inner male.



    abfrom €235.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    2 Nächtenights
    11.7-16.8.24 | 18.8-8.9.24 |
    abfrom €1,070.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    7 Nächtenights
    11.7-16.8.24 | 18.8-8.9.24 |
    abfrom €667.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    4 Nächtenights
    11.7-16.8.24 | 18.8-7.9.24 |
    abfrom €346.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    3 Nächtenights
    11.7-16.8.24 | 18.8-7.9.24 |
    abfrom €1,063.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    7 Nächtenights
    11.7-16.8.24 | 18.8-7.9.24 |
    abfrom €421.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    4 Nächtenights
    24.7-2.11.24 |
    abfrom €728.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    7 Nächtenights
    24.7-2.11.24 |
    abfrom €228.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    2 Nächtenights
    8.9-2.11.24 |
    abfrom €1,063.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    7 Nächtenights
    8.9-2.11.24 |