Holistic - healthy, vital, full of energy on holidays in Gastein.

The power of nature
with the ALPENHAUS weekly programme

A week of Alpine power and vital energy

Every week, DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal offers a wide range of activities through our POWER.OF.NATURE weekly programme. Yoga, Qigong and our guided MAN.OF.NATURE sessions (in the summer months) allow you to take time for yourself, recharge your batteries, and heighten your senses and bodily awareness.


Our daily life is full of pressure and strains. Long periods of sitting and chronic lack of exercise lead to tension and muscle weakness. Mental aspects such as stress have a negative impact on both our immune system and our musculoskeletal system. Yoga helps us release physical and mental tension, frees our thoughts, and replenishes energy levels – enabling us to face everyday life head on.

Happiness is free but priceless.


Qigong, the teaching of life-energy cultivation, is a 5,000-year-old holistic healing method with its roots in traditional Chinese medicine. Qigong involves breathing, movement and relaxation exercises, and teacher Walter Sapetschnig offers a comprehensive introduction to the healing method’s techniques.

WALTER SAPETSCHNIG is a qualified fitness consultant. Qigong has been part of his life for many years, and he has a deep appreciation of its calming and strengthening effect, which also has many health benefits.






Revitalise at Gastein's energetic hotspots and take time out from the everyday with meditations. Experience the connection between humanity and nature on guided walks and reconnect with yourself. Join MAN.OF.NATURE Alfred Silbergasser on a journey into nature and, above all, into you. (in the summer months)

ALPINE.POWER journey of the mind (indoor meditation)
This guided meditation allows you to experience Alpine power within your own mind. Journey into the mountains and their peaks, lakes and sunrises.
  • Requirements: comfortable clothing
  • Location: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal, Bad Hofgastein
  • Meeting point: hotel reception
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 5,-
  • Wave meditation – relaxation in its purest form (indoor meditation)
    This guided meditation brings deep relaxation to body, mind and soul. A waterbed’s wave-like movements create subtle vibrations in your body, mind and soul to release tension and blockages. Your vital energy can flow freely once more.
  • Requirements: comfortable clothing
  • Location: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal, Bad Hofgastein
  • Meeting point: hotel reception
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 5,-
  • 'Drei Waller' power place experience
    This easy hike immerses you in the power of a historic site at the entrance to the Gastein Valley. It is rounded off with a visit to one of Salzburg's oldest pilgrimage sites, the Drei Waller chapel (1,425m), a guided journey of the mind, and a visit to the Kögerlalm hut.
  • Requirements: sturdy shoes and hiking clothes are recommended.
  • Transfer to the starting point with the hotel bus.
  • Walking time: around 30 min.
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 10,-
  • Power place hike with meditation in Dorfgastein
    This power place hike takes you to a small natural spring, where a guided journey of the mind helps you to connect with your inner self. You can fill your drinking bottle (preferably glass) with fresh water from the spring. A stop for a snack, and then we head back to the hotel.
  • Requirements: hiking shoes, hiking clothes, sun and rain protection, drinks and snacks, and a reasonable level of fitness. Subject to change according to the weather.
  • Transfer to the starting point with the hotel bus.
  • Level of difficulty: medium
  • Walking time: 1 hour uphill and 45 minutes downhill
  • Total distance: approx. 3–4km
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 10,-
  • Day trip to the energy centres of the Gastein Valley
    A German geomancer established lithopuncture sites at specific energy centres in the Gastein Valley, which affect the Gastein landscape in a similar way to acupuncture on humans. Specific exercises allow you to experience the properties of these power places.
  • Transfer with the hotel bus.
  • Route: hotel – Klammstein – Sportgastein – hotel
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests; non-guests: € 10,-
  • Gasteiner Alpenstrasse road toll (not included in price): € 5,-
  • Power place hike to the Anna Chapel
    Locals have long considered the Anna Chapel to be a special place. But very few people know about the powers to be found up there. A guided meditation allows you to immerse yourself in this place of spiritual power which has given rise to several myths and folk tales. This hike offers stunning views of Bad Hofgastein and concludes at the Annencafé (adjacent to the chapel), where you can enjoy refreshments before returning to the hotel.
  • Requirements: hiking clothes, hiking shoes, sun and rain protection, and a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Subject to change according to the weather.
  • Route: hotel – Annakapelle (above Bad Hofgastein) – hotel
  • Level of difficulty: medium
  • Walking time: 1 hour uphill and 45 minutes downhill
  • Total distance: approx. 4km
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 10,-
  • Power place hike with maple tree meditation in Dorfgastein
    The maple tree, a silent helper … this power place hike takes you to a beautiful (uncultivated) pasture with a very special maple tree. Mindfulness exercises and a guided tree meditation will allow you to feel its power. You can also enjoy the view of the Gastein Valley.
  • Requirements: hiking clothes, hiking shoes, sun and rain protection, drinks and snacks, and a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Subject to change according to the weather.
  • Transfer to the starting point with the hotel bus.
  • Level of difficulty: medium
  • Walking time: 1 hour uphill and 45 minutes downhill
  • Distance: 3km
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 10,-
  • Forest bathing: from world to woods
    This is Alfred Silbergasser's version of forest bathing and conscious perception. Walk through Alfred's forest free from the burden of your mobile, smartphone or tablet. What awaits you is nature at its pristine best and personal space to find peace: enjoy a few hours of nature in a hammock between the trees with relaxation exercises.
  • Requirements: hiking shoes, hiking clothes, sun protection, drinks and snacks, and a reasonable level of fitness. Subject to change according to the weather.
  • Transfer to the starting point with the hotel bus.
  • Level of difficulty: medium
  • Walking time: 1 hour uphill and 45 minutes downhill
  • Total distance: approx. 3–4km
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 10,- PLEASE NOTE numbers are limited!
  • Snowshoe power hike
    This easy power place hike in Dorfgastein takes you to what is probably the mightiest maple tree in the Gastein Valley. Special mindfulness exercises – some inspired by Wyda, the druids' teachings on exercise – support conscious perception.
  • Requirements: comfortable winter clothing, a drink, hiking or winter shoes and a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Subject to change according to the weather.
  • Transfer to the starting point with the hotel bus.
  • Level of difficulty: easy – medium
  • Total distance: approx. 2km
  • Meeting point: DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal hotel reception, Bad Hofgastein
  • Registration: by 6pm the day before at the hotel reception
  • Price per person: free for hotel guests
  • Non-guests: € 10,-
  • Not including hire charge for snow shoes and poles: € 10,-

    abfrom €349.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    Gastein.Yoga.Days Breathe.the.Mountains
    3 Nächtenights
    23.5-1.6.25 |
    abfrom €239.-
    Pro PersonPer Person
    2 Nächtenights
    23.5-1.6.25 |