Holistic - healthy, vital, full of energy on holidays in Gastein.

As an experienced wilderness educator, Alfred Silbergasser sees it as his task to help people rediscover the beauty and meaning of nature.

Gastein – the valley of healing and nature.

The five pillars of health


ALPEN.KRAFT.SELFNESS are based on five solid pillars of vitality and energy. Each of these cornerstones has a particular focus, but they all have the same goal: to reconnect with yourself, rediscover your inner being and develop your full potential. To do this we must let go, relax, unburden ourselves and free ourselves from the things that hold us back. Only then can we enjoy life to the full.

Awaken inner strength

The five pillars – DETOX, DESTRESS, RESTART, YOGA and MAN.OF.NATURE – draw people closer to themselves and closer to nature. They offer a conscious and authentic retreat from everyday life. Each pillar exposes another way to restore harmony and discover our strengths. Awakening our inner strength in all its facets is the goal of the five pillars of ALPEN.KRAFT.SELFNESS.

Retreats & workshops

Our retreats and workshops are tailored to your needs and are available all year round. Look forward to top instructors from the region, as well as international experts and the original Alfred Silbergasser, Gastein’s MAN.OF.NATURE. Use the Yoga and meditation sessions, guided spiritual hikes, forest bathing, select detox programmes and stress management to escape day-to-day life and garner new energy.


Discover our ALPEN.KRAFT.SELFNESS packages and workshops which focus on holistic wellbeing. Whatever your challenges or situation, discover the lasting benefits of a health holiday in the Gastein Valley. For questions or reservations, please get in touch with the team at DAS ALPENHAUS.

abfrom €349.-
Pro PersonPer Person
Gastein.Yoga.Days Breathe.the.Mountains
3 Nächtenights
23.5-1.6.25 |
abfrom €239.-
Pro PersonPer Person
2 Nächtenights
23.5-1.6.25 |

Holistic – health, vitality and energy on holiday in Gastein

Discover the five pillars on a holistic health holiday – they form the foundation for conscious, mindful living and an improved quality of life. Destressing, detoxification, deep relaxation and the power of nature will help you unwind in no time. You will learn methods that can be used in everyday life. Treat your body and soul to a break at DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal for a lasting effect on your day-to-day life. Return from your holiday with fresh energy and strength.

The five pillars of health

Ease the burden: our bodies are temples that shelter our energy, strength and emotions. When impurities and stresses flood these temples, we experience physical and mental suffering. ALPEN.KRAFT.DETOX helps us recharge our batteries and unburden ourselves of these stresses and strains. It is not simply a treatment or change of diet; it is a holistic approach that offers the perfect conditions for the body to regenerate of its own accord and gain new strength.

The human body has excellent memory recall. Similar to the rings inside a tree trunk, the body records the months and years of neglect. We mistreat it and it bounces back, picking itself up again and again, but one day, when the stresses and strains become too much, it will become tired – both mentally and physically. That is when it is time for a break: we must give our bodies a chance to break free from the clutches of everyday life and realign. ALPEN.KRAFT.RETREATS combine movement techniques and meditative methods from around the world with cleansing, detoxifying treatments and diets based on Alpine nature. Holistic treatments to cleanse body, mind and soul – gentle, beneficial and long-lasting.

Discover our ALPEN.KRAFT.DETOX programme now.
ALPEN.KRAFT.DESTRESS aims to restore harmony so we can reclaim control over our everyday lives. We get knots in our backs and lumps in our throats, we carry aches in our stomachs and the world on our shoulders, our muscles and our digestive systems feel the strain. Both physically and mentally, we are burnt out by the daily grind. Time to switch off is a distant memory. It’s time to escape and change our patterns of behaviour.

We need to get rid of stress, blockages and negative energy regularly, quickly and efficiently on a physical and psychological level. Slowing down is therefore an important aspect of ALPEN.KRAFT destress retreats. Forest bathing, hiking, meditation and Pranayama all have one thing in common: they are all performed slowly and consciously. They ease tension, teach mindfulness and lay the foundation for refocusing.

Deeply relaxing treatments are combined with light Alpine cuisine to stimulate the senses without placing strain on the body. The objective is to reconnect with the self – in peace and movement, alone and together, and acquire the tools needed to create pockets of calm and solitude in day-to-day life, as well as build resilience for stressful situations

Discover our ALPEN.KRAFT.DESTRESS programme here.
Every new beginning is inherently magical. And yet it often requires overcoming hurdles and leaving things behind. This is not easy, and many won't even attempt it. At our core, we yearn for change. But how, when and where does this actually begin – and how do we stay on track? The ALPEN.KRAFT.RESTART concept provides all the tools needed to get off to a great start and pursue long-term goals.

Identify and change old behaviour patterns, remove mental and physical blockages, overcome fears and doubts. And focus, even when another fork appears in the road or the path takes a sudden, unexpected twist. Whether physical change, mental adjustment or a new career path, this process takes place on every level: mental, physical and emotional.

Focusing on just one of these levels tends to result in failure. Therefore, a restart is holistic and requires a combination of different techniques to guide us on every level. The ALPEN.KRAFT.RESTART experts adjust their approaches to the needs and goals of each individual participant. Is it time for you to restart? To set a new goal?

Then explore our ALPEN.KRAFT.RESTART programme here.
Yoga is exercise. It’s philosophy. It works body and mind. It is tension and release, strength and peace, concentration and meditation. The sum of many apparent opposites. If we were to use only one, it would be like picking just one fruit from a tree instead of satisfying our hunger. Yoga is the way of self-knowledge. Yoga helps us release physical and mental tension, removes blockages, clears our mind, and replenishes energy levels.

It enables us to face life head on, overflowing with new energy on every level. As the body moves, so does the spirit. Even though we tend to focus on the physical exercises, Asanas are only a small part of what this philosophy and teaching can offer. In its original form, Yoga is not simply about exercising the body – this is just the means by which to know ourselves and achieve a higher state of consciousness.

The breath is a key element; Pranayama is perhaps the oldest form of breathing therapy. The exercises aim to make us aware of our unconscious breathing, exerting an active influence and gently changing unconscious behaviour patterns. ALPEN.KRAFT.YOGA focuses on the entirety of the practice of Yoga and how to use it on the retreat and beyond.

Find out about our ALPEN.KRAFT.YOGA offers here.
We look for solitude, peace and intense experiences to help us find ourselves. Pharmaceuticals, gyms and dietary supplements cannot give us what nature has to offer. Nature heals minds and bodies. To start our guests on their journey back to health and nature, DAS ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal places them in the hands of Alfred Silbergasser, Gastein’s MAN.OF.NATURE. The expert wilderness educator shares his amazing knowledge of nature, and teaches how to use green power to restore energy.

Numerous studies show that nature has a significant impact on our health. Spending time in the forest calms the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and relaxes muscles. Feelings of exhaustion, tension and stress also dissipate. A higher tree density even reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes. This is because trees and forests activate our bodies’ killer cells – the cells in our immune system responsible for finding and destroying diseased or infected cells.

The MAN.OF.NATURE retreat is designed to bring people and nature closer together, understanding both in their entirety, reducing stress in a lasting way and enabling a conscious and authentic retreat from everyday life. Boost your health, revitalise in Gastein’s spiritual power spots, take a break from the daily grind with outdoor meditation, and experience the connection between humanity and nature.

Find our NATUR.MENSCH programme and retreats here.

Modern, alpine, stylish, warm:
**** Alpine living flair in the ALPENHAUS Gasteinertal

I like to stay here.

from €123.-*
Per Person / Night* Early Bird
1-2 People | 18 m² |

Small, but fine.

In the double room on about 18 m² with: 1 ​double bed (two mattresses), bathroom with shower and toilet, balcony with a view of…

from €132.-*
Per Person / Night* Early Bird
1-2 People | 27 m² |

Comfortable living.

In the double room on approx. 27 m² with: 1 double bed (two mattresses), bathroom with bathtub or shower and WC, sitting area as…

from €142.-*
Per Person / Night* Early Bird
1-4 People | 35 m² |

Relaxed living.

In the double room on approx. 35 m² with: 1 double bed (two mattresses), bathroom with bathtub or shower and WC, partly double washbasin,…

from €161.-*
Per Person / Night* Early Bird
1-4 People | 50 m² |

Spacious living.

In the Junior Suite on approx. 50 m² with: Living and sleeping area (not spatially separated), double bed (two mattresses), bathroom with bathtub or…

from €170.-*
Per Person / Night* Early Bird
1-4 People | 46 m² |

Suite with approx. 46m² equipped with separate living room and bedroom, double bed (two mattresses), sofa bed in the living area can be used as extra…